Saturday, November 16, 2013

saturday short rambling

not even once
not even twice

and now 
you complained about my attitude?


Friday, November 15, 2013


bergelak ketawa bersama
kelucuan geli hati berdua
nangis sedih kutuk mengutuk seia

entah kenapa
jurang terbuka
renggang tak tahu punca
di mana silapnya

yang bersama
tidak lagi seirama
yang berdua
tidak lagi senada

dari sejuta patah kata
menjadi kosong tiada berita

paling pedih
bila memori mengetuk dinding hati
paling sedih
bila memori menjengah diri 

walau apa keadaannya jua
semoga hidup kita dilimpahi rahmatNya
agar ada masa bersisa
disambung kembali persahabatan yang sirna

bila hormon berbicara

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Ahlan wasahlan ya ramadhan

Nyawa yang dipinjam ini
Ternyata masih setia menemani
Diberi peluang lagi dan lagi
Oleh Allah yang Maha pengasihani

Ramadhan penuh keberkatan
Datang menitip pesan
Aku ini hanya sebulan
Cantikkanlah aku dengan amalan

Terima kasih ya rabb
Disempatkan waktuku
Bertemu bulan keberkatan ini
Moga diberi kekuatan..keupayaan dan kesabaran yang tinggi menjulang

Ahlan wa sahlan ya ramadhan
I miss you like crazy

Friday, June 14, 2013


Selepas sekian lama
Segala apa impian
Yang diinginkan
Sinarnya mula kelihatan
Tuhan beri apa yang aku mahukan

Kalaulah dengan tidak berdoa
Kufur nikmatnya
Lupa solat dan suruhannya
Dia masih berlaku adil
Memberiku sebuah impian dan kenyataan
Betapa sombongnya aku
Untuk tidak melaksanakan suruhanNya

Maha suci Allah
Maha suci Sang Pencipta

Bayangkan pula
Kalau kita akur taat dan patuh
Doa zikir tak pernah jemu bertamu
Bayangkan berapa besar pula
Nikmat yang kita dambakan
Yang akan Dia berikan

Berhenti sombong
Kita ini kerdil
Tanpa Dia
Kita ini tak pernah ada

Lupa dan alpa
Itu manusia
Sedar dari terleka
Itu nikmatnya


Monday, May 6, 2013

Hari ini sekali lagi dalam sejarah

Aku sudah lama mencuba
Terhegeh2 dibuatnya
Sampai aku rasa penat

Kini giliran kau pula
Untuk rasa lelah

Tidak mengapalah
Kalau memang tiada rezeki
Memang inilah akhir yang adil

Tapi takpela
Takde rezeki

Pengalaman yang pernah ada
Aku mahu lupa
Sebab bila ingat
Pesta air mata jadinya

Manusia2 yang pernah hadir dalam hidup si gadis itu
Ternyata manusia2 yang malang
Bukan sahaja tak mampu bertahan
Malah letih untuk mempertahankan

Wahai arjuna yang gagah perkasa
Di manakah dikau tak pernahku berjumpa

Friday, May 3, 2013

hey kawan

hey kawan
kalau orang layan kita macam tahi
letak priority kita bawah kaki
kenapa kita masih nak peduli

hey kawan
kalau orang layan kita macam sampah
buat kita tidak endah
kenapa kita masih nak kisah

bodoh kan?
sebab tu kalau sayang berpada-pada
manusia yang boleh ambik berat pasal kita
susah senang sama-sama
hanya mereka yang ada kaitan darah 

yang tak paham kenapa

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Its not just words on facebook

...Its a reminder

Captured from facebook
Nice words...true indeed

Dear man from future
Take note

Dear me
Halal is the bestest thing ever

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Rambling number 109

Kalaulah emosi ini adalah kekuatanku
Biarlah ia menjadi kekuatan yang positif
Yang memberiku erti ihsan dan kasih sayang yang sebenar


Kalaulah emosi ini adalah kelemahanku
Biarlah aku menjadi orang yang kering hatinya ya rabbi
Biarlah hati ini hilang dari perasaan-perasaan halus yang melemahkan
Biarlah hati ini bebas dari helah-helah kasih sayang yang parah

Mana perginya gadis itu?
Yang kalis peluru?

Once a bulletproof

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Kal ho na ho

Alaa bodohlah kal ho na ho ni
Sedih okay

Sob sob sob


Oh i love preity zinta ;)
And shah rukh khan unpredictable
Appreciate what you have today
Because life
Is so short

Friday, March 22, 2013

Rambling number 108

Have a safe journey my love
Ich liebe dich

Im sorry :'(

Didnt do anything wrong

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Rambling number 107

Dia telah berjumpa dengan seorang lelaki yang sabar
Sabarnya bukan alang-alang

Dilancang dengan kata sepedih luka berdarah
Diuji dengan marah setinggi everest dan awan dan angkasa raya
Diherdik dikeji dibenci malah dimomok ditertawa
Diduga sehingga titik akhir sabar maksimanya

Namun lelaki itu
Sabarnya bukan mainan

Dia telah berjumpa dengan seorang perempuan 'gila'
Gilanya bukan alang-alang

Sekejap dia ketawa
Sekejap itu juga menjadi taufan nina
Sekejap dia bermanja
Sekejap itu juga puting beliung melanda
Ya subhanallah
Gilanya bukan mainan

Namun lelaki itu
Sabarnya bukan alang-alang

Miss not perfect

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Rambling number 106

Insecurity is a killer
And now
I kill myself each day
Its not good
Its not good at all

Its a metaphore you idiot

Insecurities could eat me alive ~~~eminem

I just
I just want to feel safe


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Rambling number 105

Hey lovers

I am listening to carry on right now

Oh and other fun songs too


I wanna sleep with smile on my face

Oh ohh and im wearing avocado mask

I cannot laugh out loud

Smile it enough

And at this moment

Someone is waiting for me to call him

He is such a baby

Spoiled baby

And i love him like that

Saya suka manjakan orang okay

Dan sakitkan hati orang juga

I know how to make people hate me

Keep smiling
Life is good

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sunday's letter

Dear weather
You look stunning today
I wonder
Will you be that stunning
Until the end of today?

Dear body
Dear feet
Dear heart
Dear mind
You defeated laziness
You defeated cozy bed
You defeated fat
You defeated super delicious scramble eggs on the table
And then
You went for a run
You chose sweat instead of fat
Tres bien!!

Dear sunday
I love you
I just love you
Will you come more often?
I mean everyday?

Oh dear weather
I forgot to tell you
This is all because of you
So thank you

Sunday lover

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Rambling number 104

I know one person
Her name is babi
I dont know why
But she really likes babi
I dont care if she really likes pig
But why should i?
Dont mess with my life


This is her
And someone thinks she is cute

I wanna throw up

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Rambling number 103

My heart says
I cannot live without you
Yeah i know you are not oxygen
But im addicted
You are like drugs
You really are my kryptonite

Such a loser ive been
Love makes you do stupid things
Even though you know its stupid
They is about taking risks
Oh yeah dumb and stupid risks
Mind says no
Heart says yes

Fool versus ego
Good combo
Dont you dare complaint after this

Oh help me help myself
Oh Allah
Dont make me love him
More than i love you

Choose wisely
Just like this herbs

Miss fiction

Rambling number 102

Dear me,
If you can live without him for one day
I am sure
You can live without him for the rest of your life
You deserve someone better
And not him
Just give someone else a chance
Just give yourself a chance
To go out from this mess
You deserve to be happy
And to be treated right

You believed him
He screwed you

Enough is enough
Be strong to fight your feelings

Oh Allah
Just give me strength

Rambling number 101

I just wish
I can simply forget you
You dont even worth my time
You dont deserve my heart
Such a big disappointment

I gave you many chances
To prove that im wronged
To prove that you are something
I gave you my trust
Not once not twice
You ruined it
Such a big disappointment

You are nothing but a liar
You are nothing but a hypocrite
I was a fool
And still a fool
Well done
You played very well

You are really good in making promises
And you are really good in not keeping them
You fooled me once
You fooled me twice
You fooled me for as long as i can remember

You are really something
You should become an actor
I wonder
What do you feel doing what you did?

Hey mister
You better check your face on the mirror
Because at the moment
I can only see shit

Good luck in your world
The world i will never be enter


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Rambling number 100

Tahun ini saya bercita-cita nak menghalalkan perhubungan yang haram

Saya nak bina masjid

Saya nak dapat lebih banyak pahala

Aminkan untuk saya

Semoga dipermudahkan semuanya

Hahahah or maybe
Im just bluffing

But who knows

Friday, March 8, 2013

Happy 'us' day

Hey ladies

Happy 'us' day!
Its our day today!
Yepp yeppp yeppp

We are beautiful no matter what they said
We are gorgeous whatever the situations
We are special ..God made us special
We are awesome!
Oh yeah!


I love u
Be great
Be awesome
Be parfait!

Happy women's day!
With love ;)

A woman

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Note to self ...again!!!

Solat bukan no time
Solat bukan part time
Solat mesti full time
Kalau boleh solat biarlah over time
Sebab mati itu anytime

Saturday, March 2, 2013


Solat menjadi berat bagi siapa yang ambil ringan
Solat menjadi ringan bagi siapa yang ambil berat


Thursday, February 28, 2013

My super awesome

This guy....


I miss him so much


My super awesome
My super random guy
My comfort zone
My hensemest
My mr nag guy
My kryptonite
My no 1 curiosity
My best friend
My love
My heart

He rocks my world
And im melting because of him
From day one
Ich liebe dich

He will kill me
If he knows im posting this picture

Buy hey
This is my blog
Uh uh lala lala

Super random me
Almost 12 am
Waiting for you to call me

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Rambling potatoing

Do what you the foods you love and spend a little bit of time bettering yourself each day ;)


What am i doing at this hour?
I should go to sleep
But i cant
So im potatoing
And i love chuck rawrrr

If i have options
I prefer to watch you sleep
Sleep like a baby
Oh my lullaby
To cuddle you bare arms
Oh my yogi bear

Stars and moon
Make me sleep
Oh kamon

Not so sleepy head
Almost 3 am

Monday, February 25, 2013

Perempuan itu...

Surah al-Baqarah ayat 216 : "Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu , padahal ia amat buruk bagimu. Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui".

Ada seorang perempuan
Banyak sangat impian
Bfnya kata dia suka berangan-angan
Impian, angan2.. Kan ke boleh jadi kenyataan?

Syaratnya mudah je
Lebihkan buat dari bercakap
Lebihkan tindakan dari suara
Dan lebihkan doa dari muslihat

Tapi tula
Impiannya tu ada yang merapek
Tak masuk akal
Tinggi cecah angkasaraya
Dalam cecah kerak bumi
Gila dan tak waras
Tapi dia memang suka merapek
Isi masa lapang

Orang taktau
Impiannya tu simple sangat
Tak banyak pun
Sikit je
Sikit2 lama2 jadi bukit

Takdir...misteri sungguh
Kita manusia boleh ubah takdir kita
Kecuali hidup dan mati

Takutnya mati kan
Sebab apa takut?
Sebab amal yang ada
Tak sebanyak impian yang dicurah

Kalau mati aku masa ni
Memang masuk neraka aku jawabnya
Tapi tetap tanak berubah
Apa susah sangat nak jadi baik ke?
Free of charge je semuanya
Tak cukup tekad kau ni
Tak cukup ilmu
Tapi tanak usaha
Bodoh kau ni

Macamlah muda2 tak boleh kena tarik nyawa... Ek?
Macamlah kau tu muda sangat ..ek?

Dan macam2 pulak kau minta dari Dia
Tak malu ke?
Bodoh kau ni
Malu sikit la babe

Perempuan ni
bila dah setat monologue
Toksah layan

Bantu aku bantu diriku
Aku buta di tempat terang

Kata perempuan itu...

Tengah malam bulan purnama
Penghujung february

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Bits + pieces ...february 15

Dear february 15
You are history now
Do me a favor
Dont come too fast next year

Wow time really flies heh
Today im 15
The next day im 15 years older
Today everyone says ohh tiny this baby
The next day you realize...look..shes a lady
Today everyone gives me money me things
The next day i realize...i become a shopaholic spending money to buy unnecessary things

It creeps me out sometimes
Whatever it is
Thats the reality of life
And along this journey
What i appreciate the most is
The experience
The love
The emotions
And of course the life

I am happy and i feel blessed
Allah gave me so much
Im embarrass to admit how little i gave Him back
But i try to be better everytime
But seriously trying is not good enough

To people who always be there for me
Through better and through worst
Happy and pain
I love you all to bits
No words can describe
Family friends and my love
I have nothing except me
And you accept me just the way i am
Million thank you
Gazillion love
Hugs and kisses
I am nothing without you all

What i really love about my birthday this year
He asked me 4 magical words
And i answered with three

My wish... Happiness for all of us
More priceless years to share
More and more and more love

Terima kasih Ya rabb dipinjam nyawa lagi


;) much love
In your heart

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Note to self

Jangan tinggal solat 😰😰

Dalam 24 jam sehari yang diberi
Berapa lama kita memberi masa kepada Tuhan?


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Counting hours

Dear february 14
Will you do me a favor
Dont let february 15 to replace you
I mean
Would you stand for your spot
Isnt it?

Why do you have to come so quickly?
Im a little bit nervous over here
Counting the hours
I mean
Im not counting at all
But looking at the time
Makes me scared
Makes me urghh you dont wanna know
What i feel inside me

Dear february 14
If you let february 15 come
It will never be the same again for me
Never ever the same again
I like the things now
Im not ready
Its nothing actually
Its just a number
No of course not
Its not just a number
Its my life

Dear me
Face the truth
Its not that bad
You making it worse
But its not

Shut up!

Hanging on the clock


Its february
I just wish there is no february this year

Mom, why february?
Why not december?
Haha silly me

I love february
I always do

Im thankful
And i feel blessed
There is no better month for me
I know

Thank you momma
You rock my world
And i rock yours definitely?

Counting the days
Counting hours
I hope i still alive
When the time comes

On my couch

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Dear momma..
I have so much to tell you
But no words can describe my feelings

A hole in my heart
It hurts
It really hurts

Something is missing
Something has been stolen from me
And its not okay

Dear momma

I just
Miss you so much

Sigh ;(

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Hello 2013


As we begin this new year... I want to remind everyone of just how amazing you all are... This year is brand new... and you can make it whatever you is all up to you. 

What you need to remember is that you are much more capable then you believe you are.
When you think you can't... you can. 

When you think you aren't smart are. 
When you want to give up.. don't. 

Things don't always go the way they are supposed to. Plans change... people flake out.. you run into problems you didn't expect.. but you know what? That is the spice of life.. or that is what they say... Trust me I don't like when things go as planned.... I am the queen of planning  one who not really plan on what i want to do... *whisper* (but still..i think of what i want in my head doh :P)...  

guess what..? I don't like it when there are changes to my 'not so well plans', but there is one thing I have learned.. and that is don't give up... You are always capable of more then you believe... Hang in there and make your dreams come true!

So welcome to 2013! I hope that it is your best year yet. What changes are you making? What goals are you setting? What are you planning for this brand new year?

New Year, New Goals, New Dreams, New wishlists

But first...i need to perform this without fail ~pray~
i failed ... shame on me
i have to change it heres my note to self

'solat jangan tinggal....jangan tinggal solat...solat jangan tinggal...jangan tinggal solat'

perform this without fail...
and your dreams..your goals....your sya Allah... will come to you  
