Friday, March 9, 2012

Cuci The Musical Last Kopek ~

~ was awesome mannnnn! double thumbs up!!

I'm telling was funny..spontaneous yet injected moral and messages..the dancers were amazing...the songs were beautiful...the props were good, appropriate and surprised..their voices..were delicious.. and especially the casts..they were awesome...every character was develop to have their own strength..and they brought it out and did it great...a very good job guys...will make you laugh out loud..

they are super super natural talented person...awie is cute and funny..afdlin is super teddy cute and funny..nabil is crazy in a good way doh hahaa..  hans isaac? oh hans ...dont make me fall in love with you grrr....vanida imran..shes super very2 cute,...her voice? fulamak.....and douglas lim..cute haaha and not forgetting harun salim bachik..funny lol

super duper credit to the director...producer..script writer..props man... audio man.. choreographer..and on and on.. they really did a wonderful job..and this musical theater.i believe...was/is a huge success ;)

me and my girlie gorgeous friends were laughing like theres no tomorrow...siap tepuk kerusi tepuk orang sebelah lagi.. hahaa... gila siot......kelakar nak mati wa cakap lu...

cekitaut yourself uols...go to IB..and im not lying.. will definitely enjoy every scene each time.

We celebrated international woman's day with laughing..and it was was full of fun...seriously fun..

oh i love theater..and i once was part of the a cast and involved behind the scene..but its another story to tell... rocking awesome...
oh did i mention awesome too many times??
yepp i did...and thats is definitely awesome!!
rockkk onnn!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

the past and the future

but what about the present?

i don't like his past...but its not the past actually...-sigh-...and i don't like mine either..i mean..not all...but certain things..i really cannot accept..
and who the hell are you to tell me past is don't even know what I've been through..cliche isn't it?

yepp cliche... life is sometimes very cliche..try something that 'not cliche' (as you may think)..but .it will end up being something very always...common illusion

oh by the way...telling people to forget something is very easy doh...past is past...but most of them are also  fake liars.. most of us actually still thinking about the past if it really hurt us..i mean,..not thinking all the by day...but still...keep it in our heart and mind...and without will come out whenever it want...and once again...the hurt feeling will ruin our day...just like that...pop up...remember all those stupid memory we tried so hard to what i meant?

but actually we forget it doh...but still there...deep your heart or pick 

chill girl...chillax...don't ever ruin your day by being emo...its not good for you..
to love accept them for who they are...yada yada yada...
everybody makes mistakes...yada yada yada...
you must forgive and forget ..yada yada yada...

fake liars...until you got what you got..then you know
seriously man...i don't have grudge...but i do have bad bad a boundary to me whether to step in or step out..whether to go near or far...and seriously..i am forgiving..but to forget?? its not so easy like abc... but i do live my life doh...still walking..still running..happy with all what makes me who i am today...and yet still feel blessed...but forgetting something is not easy for me...and you? are never become me...

hahahaa emo...blamed this stupid pms... but complaining is also one of my big favor... :D 
actually.. it is simple...what came to us..its history...but that history that makes us strong... happy... sad.. alive...human...that history is actually develop who we are today... as a be a better least, better than yesterday..

once again cliche...
what doesn't kill you makes you stronger...

i was live in the past...and hopefully still live in the future...but right now..i am cherish every single minute i am living in this present...thank you Allah for all the test and lessons...thank you people who makes me who i am today...thank you history..thank you bad memories...I've learned and yet still learning..

i am happy..even in a sad...angry...down..situation
i am happy...and i feel blessed
i hope you do too

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

sweet mystery

aku baru sahaja menerima satu kad jemputan perkahwinan dari seorang sahabat...oh sudah bernikah sahabatku ini...dia ingin menjemputku ke majlis resepsinya... gembira sekali si pengantin baru..senyuman ceria sentiasa melatari setiap kata-katanya..matanya bercahaya...cahaya bahagia...dan melihat wajahnya yang ceria..aku turut bergembira untuknya... ye aku ini orangnya begitu cepat teruja...teruja dengan benda-benda yang orang lain mungkin tidak rasa apa-apa..

bersamanya seketika..sempat aku mengorek rahsia percintaannya yang tidak berjaya aku hidu sebelumnya.. 

6 bulan..usia perkenalan suami isteri baru ini...sebulan kenal...sang suami membawanya berjumpa ibu bapanya...dua bulan kenal...sang suami mengajaknya bertunang...dia, yang pada mulanya ragu-ragu akhirnya bersetuju atas nikmat terjawab solat istikarahnya... maha suci Allah...3 bulan selepas itu..mereka akhirnya bernikah...bernikah dihadiri cuma sanak saudara terdekat...dan kini barulah mengajak untuk resepsinya..

6 bulan...dan mereka kini suami isteri sah..direstui kedua belah keluarga...indah bukan main.. tapi sempat aku menitipkan soalan untuknya...kau kenal betulke laki kau ni? agak-agak dia pembunuh upahan tak? perogol bersiri? ke ada penyakit kulit berjangkit? skeptik...biasalah aku ini skeptik... 

tapi dia menjawab tenang...aku dah kenal setakat 6 bulan itu...untuk aku tahu dia sesuai dijadikan ayah kepada anak-anakku kelak...dan biarlah lepasni aku kenal dia lebih melalui perkahwinan yang halal untuk kami ini...mudah-mudahan Allah memberiku dia sebagai anugerah yang paling indah...kalaupun dia dihadirkan sebagai ujian untukku..aku telahpun redha...

maha suci Allah...ya...wujud org seperti sahabatku ini...kagum sekali aku dengan dia....lalu skeptik itu terus hilang jauh-jauh...jodoh ...apa kita mahu buat kalau jodoh itu memang telah ditetapkan...

maka untuk itu..aku telah mengambil satu kesimpulan yang ampuh tetapi mungkin tidak jitu...

jodoh itu ~ sesuatu yang misteri...sangat-sangat misteri ..tetapi indahnya subhanallah... bercintalah bagai nak rak terberak-berak... bersayang-sayanglah siang malam pagi petang membawa semula ke malam..berindu-rindulah setiap waktu i love u i miss u... keleklah..tayanglah..heretlah ke sana sini bf/gf mu itu...kalau memang ditakdirkan dia itu bukan untukmu...maka bukan untukmulah... tetapi kalau dia itu memang tercipta untukmu,,,sembunyiklah di bawah batu macam patrik sekalipun...jodoh itu akan tetap menemukan mu... walaupun dalam fikiranmu..agak mustahil ada jalan untuk kamu dipertemukan...

bukankah itu misteri??? indah bukan main misterinya.. aku ingin menemukan misteri sebegitu...tetapi entahlah...sebab terlalu misteri...sampaikan ianya jadi teka teki... adakah memang akan terus bersendiri? atau misteri itu akan kekal sebagai misteri hingga ke mati... tapi indahnya masih bukan main.. :D

oh i love this amazing world ;)
and just beautiful...!
p/s : yang halal itu masih tetap yang terBEST..oh indahnya bukan main
p/s/s : mahukah kau menjadi yang halal untukku?? wink2