Wednesday, December 23, 2015

bila rindu berbisik

i miss my father so very much it hurts 


bila rindu menghimpit
bila rindu mencubit
sakitnya panjang menyesakkan jiwa
sakitnya meragut kenyamanan minda
sakitnya menyakitkan seluruh anggota

sehingga hanya air mata mampu menawarnya
namun sakitnya masih terasa
sakitnya sentiasa ada

Allah Allah Allah

sakitnya merindu orang yang telah tiada

hanya doa mampu dikirim
sedang jasamu tak sempat dibalas sempurna


Monday, November 16, 2015

Rukun iman ke 6

Tiada lah daya dan upaya ku sebagai hambaNya untuk menolak setiap qada dan qadarNya

Tiada lah dayaku juga sebagai hambaNya selain meminta belas ihsan dan perlindungan daripadaNya Yang Maha Kuasa..

Untukku berkelana di muka bumiNya
Untukku bertaddabur alam bersama anak tercinta
Untukku membawanya kenal erti kepelbagaian bahasa dan bangsa
Untukku menanam di jiwanya akan luasnya dunia ciptaanNya
Yang kita hamba sangatlah kerdil 

Semoga umur pinjaman ini masih lama jangka hayatnya
Semoga umur si kecilku masih panjang untuknya meneroka
Semoga perlindungan Dia Yang Maha Penyayang bersama kami

Tiadalah daya upayaku
Sebagai hambaNya
Lenyapkan kebimbangan ini kiranya betul
Tunjukkan jalan yang benar sekiranya salah

Tiadalah daya upayaku sebagai hambaNya
Menyingkap hijab yang tak ternampak dek mata
Selain meminta belas ihsan dan perlindunganNya

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Hello facebook

Yes.. I have a facebook account
And yes.. I do post pictures, event and sometimes status on my facebook wall

I liked my friends status and pictures
I do love watching lots of funny and cute videos they shares on their wall 
That makes me laugh, smile, sometimes sheds tears when the video or story makes my heart breaks 

I enjoy reading about new parenting and marriage tips, islamic status, the prayer and doa, the ugly truth about the world and politics, general knowledge and etc

I am happy seeing happy moments of my family and friend.. Beautiful pictures of my hometown.. Owhh how i miss them so much ..sigh! 

But most of the time.. I am an observer 

There are also several things that i hate about facebook

I hate when people share accident pictures..dead body. Where we can see clearly how the body looks like..
People..please.. Have some respect!!
We dont even know how we will end up. 
Do you like if people share your dead body to the public? 

I hate when people tell not so good stories about other people. I hate words bully. 

On top of that.. I hate when a wife or a husband posts sarcastis status about their spouse
I know..maybe you have problems in your marriage
Okey..maybe your spouse is cheating on you
Maybe he/she did not provide enough for your living
I know.. Sometimes you just need to let it out 
But please...not in the facebook please.. 
do you really think by shout it out on your wall may solve your problem?
Do you really believe by being sarcastic on your facebook wall may gain respect from your spouse or other people? 
What do you really get? Really..? What do you really get?
Being satisfied? Happy? Coz youve got to yell your feelings and thoughts so other people will know? Really? 

Let me give you a suggestion.. Or two suggestions 

Be a mature person.. Face the problems with your spouse face to face.. Not in the facebook wall

Yell..shout..cry..mad..whatever you want to say..sarcastically or directly.. Do it face to face.. No need to tell other unsignificant people about your marriage problem.. 
If you still cannot solve it..then you have families.. Marriage counselor.. And jabatan agama to solve it for you

Theres no need to humiliate your spouse even you hate her / him so much.. In public pulak tu hesh!!
Remember in the first place.. You chose her / him to become your wife / husband.

Isteri bercerita keaiban suami.. Tak takut dosa ke? Suami bercerita keaiban isteri? Bagaimana mungkin anda menjadi seorang ketua keluarga? 

Tak malu ke bila dah malukan kat facebook pastu nanti berbaik balik. Tapi semua tahi hidung tahi telinga tahi keji dan jijik pasangan dah kita jaja-jaja. Nauzubillah. 

And please. Pray to Allah asking for his forgiveness and kindness to help you help your marriage..not pray on the facebook wall.. Kamonlah..

Facebook.. I love it because it connects me with lots of other people
Family and friends

But thats it.. Dont use it as a place you can humiliate another human being

An observer

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

never let go of your dreams

wahai mimpi
jadilah kenyataan

akan ku kejar kau


p/s :
 believe in your dreams

Thursday, May 7, 2015



I am a mother now
I am happy
so happy

Being a mother is new to me
and seriously it is not an easy job
it is 24/7 job
I bet you new mothers out there agree with me
It involves tears, fears and most of the time ~~rejoice ;)

but hey,
I dont care if I dont get enough sleep at night
I dont care if my baby keeps waking me up every ten minutes
I dont care if I have to carry her all day just because she is not feeling well
I dont care if I have to multitask just to have my me time with her cuddling and kissing
I dont care to get tired and exhausted
I dont care to get my hands dirty with poop and vomit
I dont care to pump my milk until it hurts just to make sure she gets enough 

I care enough to make her feels safe, happy, healthy and loved.

Seeing her precious little angel smiles and laughs 
makes every single time i spent with fussy dussy tussy ~~worthwhile
That..I tell you.. is too expensive to have a price tag 

I've tried and failed at many things in life..
but i will never stop giving hundred percent..
at being the best mom I can be..

new mommy and happy