Wednesday, May 21, 2014

A letter for the most precious..

Dear baby..

Hi. How are you today? Oh we've never met before. But i am eager to meet you. 

Well, i am your mom. Or mommy or momma. Errr im not decide it yet. 

21 April 2014.. Maybe was the happiest day and also the scariest day in my life. I found out that you're actually inside my womb. 

I was happy and worried in the same time. For a moment i had doubts. Err its more than a moment i think. Sigh! 

Am i ready?

Being married to your father in just almost 4 months (and its the best moment in my life) was quite challenging. Being a wife itself is not an easy task. And now youve surprised me. 

A lot to handle dont you think so? Heh!

Your father... aihh he is an amazing man. 
The greatest man ive ever known. He was happy and infact he already talked to my tummy and said hi to you before we actually sure that you are there :) 

I told him about my concern and he convinced me that Allah will not give us responsibility if we are not ready. And he also told me that many people outhere are dying to have children of their own. I should be thankful that Allah gave us the most precious gift on earth in early days of our marriage. Its you ;) 

He was right. I am sorry baby for my negative thought. I always have this kind of insecurities when it involves the commitment with other human being. Oh your father knows it well. Just ask him how hard for him to handle me before we got married. I bet he still is now. Dont you dare follow my bad behavior!! 

But have i told you that he is an amazing man? Oh yes i did :) Sabarnya bukan tandingan sayang. I salute him for that. 

I will tell you more about your father. Soon..very very soon. He is now in germany. Oh how i miss him so much. 

Right now..i just need you to be healthy and happy. I pray that you are in good condition always. 

Its just the two of us here. So we have to be strong. Okay..  

And dont you worry my dear baby.. I am ready no matter how hard it is.. I promise you that i will never give up for our family. 

Simply because both of you and your father are the most precious gift in the world. And simply because you are my baby. I am thankful and blessed. 


Your mom 
21 May 2014 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Padan muka

Macammanalah nak marah lama-lama
Pandang muka dia
Terus tak jadi marah

Haihhh la cinta
Apa yang kau buat kat aku ni weeiiii
