Wednesday, November 14, 2012

happy new year 1434H

its new year 
1434 Hijrah
happy new year
lets strive to be a better person

better than yesterday  

You will fail if you don’t take feedback well.
You will fail if you’re selfish.
You will fail if you ruin your reputation by acting desperate.
You will fail if you just talk about finishing a project but don’t actually take the time to do it.
You will fail if you don’t step outside of your comfort zone and push yourself.
You will fail if you don’t love what you’re doing.
You will fail if you can’t learn lessons from your mistakes.
You will fail… if you don’t believe in yourself.

~note to self~

lets pray 

for the serenity to accept the things we cannot change

the courage to change the things we can

and the wisdom to know the difference

believe in yourself
  we can't change others
But we can change ourselves

  kimono girl

on the journey 

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